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'The Bee-man Rescues The Baby'

85.00 / On Sale

An original signed preliminary sketch by PJ Lynch for an illustration to 'The Bee-man of Orn' by Frank R. Stockton

'The Bee-man now ran on and soon overtook the Languid Youth.
"You need not be in a hurry now," said the latter, "for the rules of this institution don't allow the creatures inside to come out of this opening, or to hang around it. If they did, they would frighten away visitors. They go in and out of holes in the upper part of the mountain."
The two proceeded on their way.
"What are you going to do with that baby?" said the Languid Youth.
"I shall carry it along with me," said the Bee-man, "as I go on with my search, and perhaps I may find its mother. If I do not, I shall give it to somebody in that little village yonder. Any thing would be better than leaving it to be devoured by that horrid dragon." '

This preparatory drawing measures approximately 16 x 20 cm and is presented in an ice white mount that measures 25 x 30 cm.
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